NeoBux is one of the many types of Paid To Click programs on the internet today. The way you make money on this site is very simple. As a member, you simply click on the link, then visit the advertiser's website, wait for a certain period, and that is it. You will get paid and earn money just by browsing their sponsor ads. Not only that, if you refer others to join this site, then you will get money when they click the ads on their website.
I would recommend this site to people who like Paid To Click sites as a way to make money. My experiences with this site are not many. I recently joined and have not reached the minimum payment. My biggest problem is, I usually do not have time to click every day so I have difficulties to reach the payout. If you can be patient enough to earn a few dollars or more a month, then I say that this site is worth a try.
You do not have to pay to start earning. If you are interested, register now and start earning money.
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