Adgitize sent me $16,51 USD
Note from Adgitize:
Thank you for being a Publisher / Affiliate in the Adgitize Ad Network. This is payment for December 2010 Affiliate services and / or accumulated months as a publisher showing Adgitize Ads. Thank you, Ken Brown, Adgitize
Adgitize Publisher Payment December 2010
For those who do not know, there are some easy ways to get more points in Adgitize:
- Write an article on your blog about whatever you want (make sure you have added your blog's RSS feed in the system).
- Click on ads in the Adgitize ad network until you reach 100 points.
- Placing Adgitize widgets on your blog correctly to earn ad view points and page views points.
- Become an Advertiser (for an additional 100 points) and a Preferred Publisher (for extra ten points).
- Participating in Adgitize Forum.
For further benefit, you can join Adgitize now!
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