Welcome to DedeAndro weblog, another personal blog on the web.
Hi, my name is Dede Andro, a man with a dark hat. I write DedeAndro weblog to share about my blogging experiences. I started DedeAndro weblog in July 2008 mainly because I want to keep records of what I have learned about blogging.
Quickly find what I am doing, get in touch with me and stay up to date with my latest updates by subscribing to my feed. Currently, I manage several blogs including:
It is appreciated very much if you could leave relevant comment on any posts at DedeAndro weblog to make this blog better.
Do not hesitate to connect with me on Facebook, Twitter, and Friendster if you are active on those networks. I hope you enjoy DedeAndro weblog.
Hi, my name is Dede Andro, a man with a dark hat. I write DedeAndro weblog to share about my blogging experiences. I started DedeAndro weblog in July 2008 mainly because I want to keep records of what I have learned about blogging.
Quickly find what I am doing, get in touch with me and stay up to date with my latest updates by subscribing to my feed. Currently, I manage several blogs including:
* AddYours, another blog directory.
* Papiere, another ecard blog.
* Medioz, another media blog.
It is appreciated very much if you could leave relevant comment on any posts at DedeAndro weblog to make this blog better.
Do not hesitate to connect with me on Facebook, Twitter, and Friendster if you are active on those networks. I hope you enjoy DedeAndro weblog.