Grunge Birthday Card


Select All » Copy » Paste

Here is how to use it: Right-click the code and choose "Sellect All", right-click again and choose "Copy", then paste it where you want it to appear.

It can be used on any website or blog that allows HTML. For example, you can use it when posting Blogger posts, on Friendster comments, on MySpace, Facebook etc.

Image: Zazzle


  1. hehe... tgl posted nya hampir mendekati ultah saya... hehehe..

  2. gimana cara bikin kartu ucapan kaya itu yahh ??? pingin buka bisnisan pembuatan kartu ucapan :) yang berskala besar :) mumpung ada modal dikasih dari GA broo :)

  3. bro,, folow me juga ya.. di blog ane.. biar agak rame dikit.. :D yoo.. salam kenal

  4. Inovatif dan produktif. Ide hebat. Jabat erat dan salam hormat (QZ)

  5. That is a very nice card....take care D :)

  6. @ Belajar. Ultah tanggal berapa hayo?

    @ Pit. Wah keren tuh idenya :)

    @ Ali. Oke bro, sapa aja yang follow me pasti D follow kok. Tunggu aja!

    @ Jh3n, Dorothy. Thank you very much :)

    @ Qinimain. Salam hormat buat anda.


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