Facebook Comments Features

You probably know that many sites have implemented the Facebook Comment. This significantly increases the traffic and reader involvement. As part of the Facebook Comment updates, Facebook Developers has announced two new features for it, Chronological Sort and Boosting Comments. These two things have become significant improvement in the comment box.

Chronological Sort. By default, comments are sorted based on the most relevant comments from friends, friends of friends, and discussion threads of the most preferred or most active. You as admin are given the option to change the order of comments in chronological order or otherwise. So, you can change how the comments are sorted to show the first date conversation. This feature is particularly valuable when the reader wants to comment in real-time, such as sport events or TV shows.

Boosting Comments. Moderators can ensure that high quality comments will appear at the top of the comments box using this new feature. These new features significantly improve the overall quality of the discussion about content and to help spark conversation. If a user is logged into Facebook, comment box will display the comments of friends, followed by comments boosted by the moderator.
