CriteoAutoRoll For Your Automated Blogroll

CriteoAutoRoll is a blog widget that displays links to other blogs (which are similar to the content of your blog) that your readers may be interested. This widget automatically displays 10 unique links based on the interests of readers. This widget only display links to blogs that have the widget installed.

You can customize the size of the widget, number of links and the colors.

By installing this widget, you will receive additional incoming traffic to your blog.

Have you use it? Let me know what you think about this widget. If you want to get one, just go to CriteoAutoRoll site.


  1. Will try. It is interesting to read other who are similar with our thoughts.

  2. wah keren... bisa dipake di wordpress gak De??

  3. nah ini neh.. coba ah... thx ya dede..

  4. @ Lyla, Idot. Bisa dipake di blog platform yang mendukung javascript. Karena kode mereka pake javascript. Coba dulu aja, gratis kok!


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