Promote Your FriendFeed On Your Blog

Showcase your FriendFeed activity using a variety of customizable widgets for your blog or web site. There's even a widget to make it easy for your readers to share your blog's content directly to their FriendFeed. Let FriendFeed make your other blogs more friendly with their embeddable widgets. Keep your friends, readers, and fans up to date with what you're doing, or let your readers share your blog's content to FriendFeed.

"Share on FriendFeed" Link. Add this link to let your readers share content from your blog on their FriendFeed.

Feed Widget. Share your feed on any blog! Embed your feed or a room's feed on your website or blog with the feed widget.

Subscribe to me on FriendFeed
Chiclet Widget. A compact way to link your blog's visitors to your FriendFeed.

Status Widget. Choose to display your most recent message from your status service.


  1. Very cool. I have seen this mentioned before but have yet to allow people to share my link with friendfeed. I have a pet peeve with clutter and I feel I already have enough add this post to XXX buttons on my site.

  2. @ raidz. Thanks for commenting raidz. I've already visited your site. Great site you have there.


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